On the channels Telegram Ukrainians circulate a video apparently showing the summary execution of a Ukrainian prisoner of war by the Russian military. Before being shot, the prisoner declared "Glory to Ukraine".
According to the news agency "Rbk Ukraine", the head of the presidential office, Andriy Yermak, commented on the video stating that Russia "will pay for every war crime committed". “War crimes are encouraged in Russia. They are explained by their propaganda and myths about 'Nazis'. The killing of a captured person is another example of this,” Yermak wrote on his Telegram channel.
However, there is no indication of the place and date of the event and it cannot be ruled out that it was a shooting for violation of the war code.
Read more: https://www.agenzianova.com/en/news/a-prisoner-says-glory-to-ukraine-and-is-shot-by-russians-video/
Read also: Video: Russian forces executed captured Ukrainian soldier after he said “Slava Ukrayini (Glory to Ukraine)”