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William F Voelker video: Officer's involvement in fatal shooting

The William F. Voelker video provides crucial evidence that can aid in deciding law enforcement officers’ appropriate actions and decisions.

William F. Voelker, a 59-year-old man, lost his life on April 21 in Grand Rapids after a police-involved shooting.

Following an investigation by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, no charges will be filed against the law enforcement officers involved in the incident.

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What is Cryptography?

Cryptography is the science and practice of secure communication in the presence of third parties or adversaries. It involves techniques and methods used to protect information and communication by converting it into an unreadable format (cipher) using mathematical algorithms. This process is known as encryption. The intended recipient of the encrypted information can then use a decryption key to transform the ciphertext back into its original plaintext.

The primary goals of cryptography are confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation:

Confidentiality: Ensuring that only authorized parties can access and understand the information. Encryption plays a vital role in achieving confidentiality.

Integrity: Ensuring that the information remains unaltered during transit or storage. Cryptographic hash functions are often used to verify the integrity of data.

Authenticity: Verifying the identity of the communicating parties and ensuring that the information comes from a legitimate source. Digital signatures are commonly used for authentication.

Non-repudiation: Ensuring that the sender of a message cannot deny sending it, and the recipient cannot deny receiving it. Digital signatures also help achieve non-repudiation.

Cryptography has a long history and is used in various fields, including computer security, online banking, secure communications, data protection, digital currencies like Bitcoin, and more. It is essential for protecting sensitive information and ensuring the security and privacy of digital transactions and communications in today's interconnected world.

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